

3/4 cup butter, soft- not melted! (Grass Fed or Vegan works best)
1/2 cup organic granulated sugar
1/2 cup of honey (or Agave light)
1/4 teaspoons kosher salt
3 eggs and 1/3 cup of milk (almond, hemp and whole milk work the best)
1 tbs vanilla extract
2 tbs coconut fat (canned)
1 tbs matcha powder
1 cup organic flour
2 leveled scoops of fitppl Vanilla & goji protein
1/2 teaspoon baking powder


Preheat oven to 350 degrees . Place butter in the bowl of a stand mixer with the sugar and salt and beat on high speed for 5 minutes, add in milk while slowly adding the eggs one by one, then add honey.

Add in vanilla extract and coconut fat slowly . Add in the matcha, flour, fitppl Protein and baking powder, mix well to get a sticky pancake like batter-  then place batter into prepared greased pan (9inch pan or cupcake pan is best).

Bake for 30 minutes, until the top is puffed and springy, Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes; allow to cool completely. Dust it with powdered sugar, mixed berries and serve!

Plant Protein
Superfood +

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