Sharing your personal information is not cool. Your privacy is very important to us. fitppl and any affiliates are fully committed to maintaining the privacy and accuracy of your personal information while protecting such information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. This Statement of Privacy describes how fitppl treats information received when you provide information to us, and when you use 

Please read this Statement of Privacy carefully. Any questions regarding this statement should be directed to

Personal Information

You do not need to provide any information that identifies you (“Personal Information”) to use the website. fitppl may collect personal information such as your first name, last name, mailing address, e-mail addresses, or phone number when you participate in a survey, register for our newsletter, submit a question or comment, make a request, participate in a contest, sweepstakes, submit pictures, or place orders. This information is collected when voluntarily submitted by visitors. You may access most of our site without providing any personal information.

How Personal Information Is Protected 

We take all precautions to maintain the security of your personal information. The Internet and electronic databases may be subject to interception, and you provide such information at your own risk. We safeguards Personal Information from unauthorized access. Only authorized fitppl employees or agents carrying out permitted business functions are permitted to access Personal Information. Employees who violate fitppl’s privacy access policies are subject to disciplinary actions, including termination when appropriate.

If you submit Personal Information to fitppl, you may modify your Personal Information by e-mailing

Third Parties 

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personally identifiable information to third parties other than our Agents/Employees who require the information to fulfill orders and requests, provide technical assistance, manage this website, and administer our promotional programs, unless we provide you with advance notice, except as described below.

When we choose to run any joint promotion or program with a third party, we will not share your information with such parties. fitppl is not responsible for the policies, terms and conditions, or offerings of any third parties. However, you should carefully review their policies and terms and conditions before providing them with your information.  

We reserve the right to share your information without your consent if we are required to comply with laws or legal process or respond to any claims, or if in our good faith judgment, such action is reasonable necessary to protect our website and property (including our intellectual property) or the safety or property of third parties, to investigate violations of our Terms of Use or any illegal activity, fraud, or threats, or in connection with a merger, acquisition or transfer of assets of fitppl (provided that we will notify you in advance). 


We use cookies to store information between visits to our site. Cookies are a mechanism to remember information about a visitor from one page to another. You can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cookies. If you turn cookies off, you won’t have access to many features that make your site experience more efficient and some of our services will not function properly. 

We also use a third-party web analytics service provider to assist us in better understanding our site visitors. When you visit the site, these services may set cookies and employ other tracking technologies on our behalf to receive and analyze information about your browsing activity. Analytics providers may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law. We use Google Analytics as our analytics provider. 

Changes To Statement of Privacy 

fitppl may make changes to this statement from time to time. We will post changes to our privacy statement here, so be sure to check back periodically.  

Questions, Comments, Concerns 

If you have any questions or comments about our use of Personal Information or about this Statement of Privacy, please contact us at