The Cotton IssueNo One isTalking About

There are few feuds that have ever gotten as much attention as this year’s presidential election. Trump vs. Hillary. Left vs. Right. Toupes vs. Real Hair. But no one is paying attention to the other issues at play here, one in particular: Organic Cotton vs. Everything Else.

For a fabric as common as cotton, there are a surprising number of misconceptions about it:

Cotton uses 25% of all insecticides used globally each year, more than any other crop

– The number of pesticides on the market that have been linked to birth defects: 400

5 of the top 9 pesticides used on cotton are cancer-causing

46% of groundwater in the U.S. is susceptible to agricultural pesticides

But the laundry list of problems with conventional cotton doesn’t stop there. After it is picked, numerous toxic chemicals are added during the manufacturing process. These include heavy metals, silicone, ammonia, harsh petroleum scours, formaldehyde and softeners… the list, unfortunately, goes on.

Now that you’re officially freaked out, it’s time to take responsibility. There is only a market for the conventional cotton market because there is demand. Take away the demand, we can scrub the world clean of the havoc it is wreaking on our Earth.

Responsible consumption. In those two words, we can revolutionize one of the largest, most profitable, most toxic industries in the world. Read the tags, look for indicators of organic cotton. Do your research, because the only person that benefits from uninformed buyers is you. Chemicals in your clothing, chemicals damaging your planet. Find brands and companies that exclusively use organic cotton, and build brand loyalty for them. Support people who support nature.

Just as we shop organically, reading every label to make sure there are no pesticides or chemicals going into our body:

What goes on our body is just as important.

Organic cotton is the exact same as an organic avocado. It might cost a bit more or be harder to find, but it’s better because it’s natural. What’s good for you is good for our environment… they are one in the same.