Trademark & Brand

01. Brand

Brand Do not alter the fitppl Marks. "fitppl" is our proper name, and it should be all lowercase accordingly (not "Fitppl," "FitPPL," "fit ppl" or "FitPpl"). Do not use the fitppl Marks as nouns or in the plural or possessive form. 

Do not use, copy, alter or imitate fitppl's logos, trade dress, color scheme, website, products, packaging, icons, marketing materials or photographs. 

All uses of the fitppl Marks must be truthful and accurate, and not likely to cause confusion as to source, affiliation or association. 

Do not use the fitppl Marks in a damaging or derogatory way.

02. Trademarks

fitppl ™ 
Nothing Shady ™
Fit Starts Within ™
Ditch The Plastic ™
Zero Shady Ingredients ™
Better for people. Better for the planet. ™