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B Corp Best For The World 2018
Today, fitppl was recognized for creating extraordinary positive impact as a business based on an independent, comprehensive assessment administered by the nonprofit B Lab. Honorees are featured on B the Change, the digital Medium publication produced by B Lab, at bthechange.com/bestfortheworld.
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Why ‘biodegradable plastics’ is a dangerous oxymoron
Did you know you can still read a newspaper that has been rotting away in a landfill for over three decades? That means, you can get your driver’s license, graduate high school, get into college, change your degree 11 times, turn 21, complete the obligatory backpacking through Europe trip, meet and fall in love with an American in a hostel in Berlin, travel back to San Francisco and get married, start a company, sell the company, have two kids and move out to the burbs, and STILL be able to dig out the newspaper from the day you were born and read about what was happening in the world 35 years ago.
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How Recycling Can Be Bad For The Environment
Wait… what… how? It’s everywhere, this push to “go green,” to be eco-friendly, to RRR (reduce, reuse, recycle.) We as a society have made major changes in the last few years to conform to this idea, and before you misunderstand – we like recycling. We like it a lot. But, like everything, you can’t go into it blind. There are facts we need to be aware of, things we need to know. Recycling that doesn’t get recycled is just called trash, and it goes right into the landfill just like anything else. Here’s how to not let that happen...
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